Sonidos olvidados, sonidos rescatados. Hacks musicales y bailables

We are giving a mini workshop during Basuramas Obsoletos cycle at Medialab-Prado. Here is a bit of old bacilö theory that relates to our project. Spanish only.


Todo aquello que pierde su utilidad o deja de funcionar, que caduca, extingue sus días de vida, es apartado automáticamente de la circulación, se pierde de vista y es relegado a un exilio impuesto, lo que podríamos llamar los exilios de lo inútil, por adoptar un término general que englobara estos espacios (desguaces o cementerios de coches, cementerios, vertederos, psiquiátricos, etc.), siempre periféricos, donde se hacina, de manera seleccionada y diferenciada, todo lo fuera de servicio, inservible, dado de baja, la basura, el detritus. Continue reading


In seventeen days the verdict against a group of guys that have dismantling Hollywood as a hobby will arrive. Apart from the copying of VHS and some cassettes for the C-64 in the 80ties, we have never indulged in piracy. We are all open source. But the resent Pirate Bay Trial offer some signs of a paradigm shift though. First of all the use of theatre as an interpretation model and the dramatization of the process from the pirate side. As a long time theatre practitioner I find this amusing, it even challenged the sense of live. Continue reading